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Weekly Bookmarks - Issue No 20

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Here's some good stuff I've been reading over the past week.

For now, here goes.

As always, all links on this newsletter can be found here.

History, Culture, and Religion

Came across this decade old article last week and it spoke to me.

The design of our working lives significantly influences how much we value convenience.

Your Lifestyle Has Already Been Designed

We’ve been led into a culture that has been engineered to leave us tired, hungry for indulgence, willing to pay a lot for convenience and entertainment, and most importantly, vaguely dissatisfied with our lives so that we continue wanting things we don’t have. And it’s the 40-hour workweek that keeps us that way.

I've always wondered why Einstein didn't win a Nobel for his theories of relativity (not that I understand it, its just what he's most famous for)

This Philosopher Helped Ensure There Was No Nobel for Relativity - Issue 35: Boundaries - Nautilus

On April 6, 1922, Einstein met a man he would never forget. He was one of the most celebrated philosophers of the century, widely…

Free Speech and Censorship. Someone sent this to me, found it interesting.

Forever Hold Your Peace - by Mike Solana - Pirate Wires

pirate wires #47 // anti-vaxx hysteria, redefining truth, a year of speech policing in review, and the steady path to censorship

Tech, Science, and Math

Sal Khan is awesome, as is Grant Sanderson (3blue1brown)

They made a podcast/did an interview and its doubly awesome.

Sal Khan: Beyond Khan Academy | 3b1b Podcast #2

In this conversation with Sal Khan, we discuss his new project ( as well as the Khan Lab School that he started in 2014.Sal’s new tutoring …

Weekly cryptocurrency plug from 1729 this time, for anyone looking to understand what all the fuzz is about.

Crypto for People Who Don’t Follow Crypto • 1729

A normie-friendly, buzzword-free argument for why crypto will change the world.

Came across these stats about TikTok, its banned in India but, its influence is so obvious and a little scary.

TikTok Statistics - Everything You Need to Know [Feb 2021 Update]

TikTok Statistics - Everything You Need to Know [Feb 2021 Update]

Everything else

If you're like me, you've across some Rumi poems on your own or through a friend, but, very likely it was in English, turns out most of the stuff that we read from Rumi in English is just badly translated by one guy.

Persian Poetry in English on Twitter: “Thread: The Orientalizing of Moulana Rumi Many of you may be familiar with the ‘Rumi quotes’ that circulate the internet. What if I told you the vast majority of them are fake and they are part of a project to secularize Rumi?

Monthly EV plug - Electric Vehicles are good for the world, tell your friends!

One of the biggest myths about EVs is busted in new study - The Verge

Electric vehicles are responsible for fewer greenhouse gas emissions across their entire life cycle than gas-powered vehicles, a new report confirms. To meet global climate goals, internal combustion vehicles should be phased out between 2030 to 2035, it says.

Usual health related plug, interesting article on why resistance training/weight training is probably better for you than doing a bunch of cardio.

Lifting Weights? Your Fat Cells Would Like to Have a Word.

A cellular chat after your workout may explain in part why weight training burns fat.


This weeks book reco is from Toni Morrison - The Bluest Eye

I read this earlier this year and its easily among the best books I've ever read, wish I'd picked up her books earlier.

The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison

The Bluest Eye book. Read 10,768 reviews from the world’s largest community for readers. The Bluest Eye is Toni Morrison’s first novel, a book heralded f…

Thank you for reading

That's all I have for this week.

Do subscribe if interested and do reply with interesting stuff
