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Weekly Bookmarks - Issue No 4

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I've decided to standardise this a little bit.

The following sections will be there in every issue going forward:

  1. Tech, Science, and Math
  2. History, Culture, and Religion
  3. Everything else

with an assortment of things to read, listen, and watch in each of them.

Until I get to point where I need to get more granular.

Alternatively, I might just turn this into a regular newsletter with opinions around interesting links ( I don't really offer too many opinions right now )

So here goes.

Tech, Science, and Math

The Episode of Everything - Tim Ferris Show (#506)

A fascinating and long (3 hour) podcast between Tim Ferris and Balaji Srinivasan

The podcast covers pretty much every future related topic out there and took me a few days to get through.

The History of the URL

A superb blog post by Cloudflare from around a year ago that I found while going through their blog, walks through the intricacies of the story behind the URL.

Notes on technology in the 2020s - Eli Dourado

A detailed post on what the near and far future of tech innovation could bring us.

History, Culture, and Religion

Debate : The Catholic Church is a Force for Good in the World

One of my favourite debates about religion from 5 years ago. Also my usual Hitchens plug with a bonus Stephen Fry.

In the 1980s, a Far-Left, Female-Led Domestic Terrorism Group Bombed the U.S. Capitol

I found this is in my unread bookmarks from last year, this article was published on Jan 6th 2020, and just over a year later this years storming of the U.S. Capital happened.

Uncertain, unpredictable, unseen events are only so to those who've never seen them I guess.

Everything else

Write Simply - Paul Graham

I love reading advice on writing by writers I admire. paulg is one of the best.

The Day the Mesozoic Died

I've been reading up on Geology in general and found this article from 2016 a simple but, insightful read on the topic of how the dinosaurs died.

It's something I thought I knew about, unsurprisingly I had a lot to learn.

From "learning to draw" to "acquiring a visual vocabulary"

Found this through the thread linked in the above post

Beautiful thread on (mis/pre)conceptions on "drawing" and some advice on "learning to draw" itself. Have to admit I'm now suddenly interested in going through this journey myself.

Thank you for reading

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