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Weekly Bookmarks - Issue No 3

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Here’s some interesting stuff from the past week and a few that I had bookmarked from before.

Mostly long reads and some stuff about FLoC

Nothing to watch or listen to from me this week.

Things to read

Reflections on Gandhi - Orwell

Easily among the best critical takes on Gandhi, Orwell takes all the sting out of the discussion to neatly cuts to the core of how to assess one of the most inspiring historical figures of the recent past.

The Long Tail - Chris Anderson

This article from 2004 is all about how entertainment will change in the future. Its scary how on point he was ~17 years ago.

The ancient fabric that no one knows how to make

A fascinating account of how colonialism destroyed a vibrant fabric making economy in Bengal which also led to the loss of a certain type of fabric or how to make it.

The death of the newsfeed

I read this earlier this week and realised how true Ben Evans has been with regards to how social media operated today as opposed to 2/3 years ago. It's no longer about the feed. Highly recommend.

Cousins fight determines Covid Swab Test supply

A slightly comical account of how the supply of Covid swab tests has been affected by a bunch of lawsuits between cousins in Maine.

Articles on : Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC)

An objective take on the concept

A negative take on the concept