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Weekly Bookmarks - Issue No 2

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Things to read


An Overview from Decrypto

A guide to NFT's from a Crypto investor shared with me by Bharath.

NFTs and a thousand true fans :

A16Z spins the old Kevin Kelly essay - 1000 true fans for the world of NFTs. Interesting read.

Japanese Economic Takeoff after WW2 :

Given most countries are in the aftermath of economic crises, this old article on how the Japanese rebuilt their economy after WW2 provides a grounded view of the sacrifices needed.

[ Edit : Apparently this link breaks because of the utm tags that revue sends - link to copy paste: ]

Crichton's Speech : Why Speculate :

A transcript of Michael Crichton's speech Why Speculate where he first coined the term Gell-Mann Amnesia effect. The effect that has left so many experts red faced over the past few years.

[ Edit : Apparently this link breaks because of the utm tags that revue sends - link to copy paste: ]

Things to listen to

Dr. Ambedkar Interview with the BBC in 1955 - a fascinating interview of one of the greatest Indians to have ever lived. As candid and clear live as in his writing.

This is Water - a video with a speech by author David Foster Wallace, one of my favourite speeches that really grounds in you the idea that it's not about you.

Things to watch

48 laws of power - animated video of the 48 laws of power by Robert Greene

The urban rural divide - a conversation with Jonathan Rodden on the Urban - Rural divide and its implications for society, progress, and politics. There is a transcript as well.

Thank you for reading
