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Minor Update - Retooling

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A friend pointed out to me yesterday that I hadn’t written anything new on the blog in a long time. The truth is I haven’t felt like writing anything new on here for a while so, I decided to take a break.

Subscribers to the blog should already be receiving my reading updates which have been moved to Substack.

I’ve also started publishing a weekly set of bookmarks of stuff on the internet that I read/watch/listen to that are interesting, these can be found at - about 10 weeks in now, hope to keep that going! I use a service called Revue for this.

I’m also going to start writing about tech and product related stuff on a separate Substack, one issue every 2 weeks from this point on, that’ll be at coolproducts, I will update through the blog if I decide to change the name!

I do plan to start writing on this blog again within the next month, but, before that I have to retool the blog.
This is currently built with a static site builder called jekyll, which is amazing, but, I will be moving on to Gatsby which is Javascript based which I find myself more comfortable with these days, so, expect some changes in the UI/UX of the blog (should make my life and yours easier)

For my mailing list, I use a service called Feedburner which unfortunately is being killed by Google in July this year, so, I will also be finding a new mailing list provider that does the job in as simple a manner as feedburner, so, don’t be surprised if you receive a mail from a new mailing list provider at some point in the future, I will update on the blog once that is done.

With regards to what I’m planning on writing on the blog soon, a few of my readers want me to write more fiction, which I’m not sure I’m really good at, but, in order to bridge the gap I’ve decided to write 2 or 3 stories on Caricatures of people from my life and publish a couple of short stories I’ve written in the past here.

I hope you like reading them. Just wanted to provide an update for anyone who was wondering why I haven’t written in a while - truth is I have, just not here.

Do subscribe to the Substacks and my Bookmarks. My blog retooling should take 3-4 weeks given I’ll only be spending some spare time on it, but, I feel that I’ll be able to maintain it much better at the end of it and experiment with more things on the blog itself.

Hope you’re staying safe!

Thank you for reading