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Weekly Bookmarks - Issue No 21

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Here's some good stuff I've been reading/listening to over the past week. The least tech oriented set I've put together so far, so, yaay!

As always, all links on this newsletter can be found here.

History, Culture, and Religion

On working from home, why its not necessarily a new thing, and how to fix our WFH culture.

Farmers always Worked From Home – Artur Piszek

Farmers effectively work from home, and in the past majority of the population was farming. What can they teach us about Work-Life Balance?

Arthur Miller was a fascinating man, this one is about why and how he criticized McCarthyism in the US.

Why I Wrote “The Crucible” | The New Yorker

Arthur Miller shares the story behind his play about the Salem witch trials.

An exploration of Identity from a Japanese-American who lived when it was hardest to be both at the same time.

A sculptor’s world Isamu Noguchi explored what it means to be a global citizen

In his work the Japanese-American artist tried to bring the disparate pieces of himself into contact | Books & arts

A fascinating overview of whether its possible to do evil without being evil.

What did Hannah Arendt really mean by the banality of evil? | Aeon Ideas

Can a person do evil and yet not actually be evil? What Hannah Arendt meant by ‘the banality of evil’ remains a puzzle

Tech, Science, and Math

Can you be truly digitally immortal?

This is something I've been seeing a lot more of. Finally an article that explains how it works.

Mind Uploading: Another in A Long Line of Immortality Shams, or Not?

The prospect of mind uploading, and by extension, living long after death is enticing, but is it too good to be true?

A lot of AI tools out there have been mostly hype and the past decade hasn't been all that great for its reputation.

Why Artificial Intelligence Isn’t Intelligent - WSJ

Some AI experts think that the name itself is fueling the kind of hype and confusion that have led to “AI winters” in the past.

We're now seeing light from behind a black hole! This is wild!

Stanford astrophysicists report first detection of light from behind a black hole

Fulfilling a prediction of Einstein’s theory of general relativity, researchers report the first-ever recordings of X-ray emissions from the far side of a black hole.

Came across this scientist on twitter recently, found this podcast interesting, still going through his content, but, sounds super interesting.

Change Your Brain: Neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Huberman | Rich Roll Podcast

Thanks for watching! Read all about Dr. Andrew Huberman here 👉🏼 Andrew Huberman is a neuroscientist and tenured professor in t…

Everything else

How to not procrastinate on your existential crisis.

Timebox Your Existential Issues — Pamela J. Hobart

How to timebox your existential issues - both to feel better and to think better.

Usual leisure plug, why leisure != lazy

The Leisurely Manifesto - by Patron Dude - Four Fourths

Otium is Hard Work - The Original Affluent Society

Was surprised to see a University publish about the Cuban crisis, but, that's only me apparently, talks about why the protests are happening

What you need to know about the protests in Cuba | Penn GSE

Amalia Dache studies the role of place in education.And no place holds her focus like Cuba. An Afro Cuban American who still has family on the island, Dache has been closely following the protests that started July 11, but have roots dating back decades.

Another leisure/play related plug, this one is from a professor - Sendhil Mullainathan on a podcast with Steven Levitt - one of the guys who wrote Freakonomics!

Sendhil Mullainathan Thinks Messing Around is the Best Use of Your Time - People I (Mostly) Admire -

He’s a professor of computation and behavioral science at the University of Chicago, MacArthur “Genius Grant” recipient, and author. Steve and Sendhil laugh their way through a conversation about the importance of play, the benefits of change, and why we remember so little about the books we’ve read — and how Sendhil’s new app solves this problem.


This weeks book reco is Collected Fictions by Jorge Luis Borges

The translation anyway.

I read this a couple of years ago and still go and read some of the short stories from time to time.

Fictions by Jorge Luis Borges

Fictions book. Read 2,875 reviews from the world’s largest community for readers. Jorge Luis Borge’s Fictions introduced an entirely new voice into world…

Thank you for reading

That's all I have for this week.

Do subscribe if interested and do reply with interesting stuff
